Intercede- to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble as by pleading or petition.
Ex: We must intercede for that defendant.
Hackneyed- made commonplace or trite; stale; banal
Ex: The hackneyed images of his story.
Approbation- official approval or sanction.
Ex: We must get their approbation before we go.
Innuendo- An indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
Ex: Their are so many innuendos for what you just said.
Coalition- A combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.
Ex: The two countries went into coalition when war started.
Elicit- To draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke.
Ex: To elicit a response with a question.
Hiatus- a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
Ex: This problem is causing a hiatus.
Assuage- to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate.
Ex: To assuage one's pain.
Decadence- the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay.
Ex: Some historians hold that the fall of Rome can be attributed to internal decadence.
Expostulate- To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.
Ex: His father expostulated with him about the evils of gambling.
Simulate- To create a simulation, likeness, or model of a situation.
Ex: To stimulate crisis conditions.
Jaded- Dulled or satiated by overindulgence.
Ex: A jaded appetite.
Umbrage- Offense.
Ex: To give umbrage to someone.
Prerogative- An exclusive right or privilege.
Ex: The prerogatives of a senator.
Lurid- Gruesome or horrible.
Ex: The lurid details of an accident.
Transcend- To rise above or go beyond.
Ex: To transcend the limits of thought.
Provincial- Belonging or peculiar to some particular province.
Ex: The provincial newspaper.
Petulant- Moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance.
Ex: A petulant toss of the head.
Unctuous- Charactrized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner.
Ex: He has an unctuous personality.
Meritorious- Derserving praise.
Ex: To receive a gift for meritorious service.
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